Everything You Need to Know About Lion Vs Tiger

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Written By LuisWert

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One of the most talked about topics is the Lion vs Tiger fight. However, very few people know who will win. Let me tell ya, if a lion and a tiger get into a fight there is an 80% chance that tiger will win. Let’s talk about Lion Vs Tiger. Let’s talk about the reasons for this.


The strength of the tiger’s muscles is 72.6% higher than that of the lions (58.8%). This clearly shows that the tiger is stronger and muscle is directly proportional with strength.


While the tiger may be heavier than the lions, it will not be the main criterion between African Lion and Bengal Tiger.


Tiger is more fierce than Lion, and can be seen on both the face and in the actions. Nothing can stop a Tiger from killing.


The lion is a lazy cat who sleeps for between 20 and 22 hours. The lion is not a hunter and prefers to stay away from water bodies. It also avoids climbing trees and doesn’t like to swim. Tigers sleep for at least 18 hours, and they can walk well. Tigers can also climb trees to hunt prey that is difficult for them.


While lions are more brave, tigers are often the ones who are most fearless during fights. They are also known for their willingness to fight and plan to do so. Experts agree that tigers are more adept at fighting than lions and learn tactics faster than lions. Although a lion can be brave, it can also attack blindly. However, tigers are intelligent enough to capitalize on this.


The experts say that the tiger is smarter and can learn survival skills faster than a lion. Although the lion is more skilled as a wrestler, the tiger can be considered a better boxer. However, this is not a major difference.

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7.Will You Fight

The Tigers will be the first to escape if they can, but if the area is small, then the Tigers become a formidable fighter.

Here are some facts about Lions vs Tigers.


Lions are the largest cat in the world, and they can be found in Africa’s southern and eastern regions. They are most often seen in prides, which is a group of around 40 members. Each pride is made up of approximately 40 members. It will help cubs and hunt prey.

  • Lions are carnivores and hunt mostly on wildebeests, antelopes, and zebras. The hunter is Lioness, but this doesn’t mean that Lions are weak.
  • Some lions may act as scavengers, attacking other species such as hyenas to steal their prey.
  • The carnassials are the back teeth of lions. They act as a pair of scissors, and help in cutting meat that can then be eaten later.
  • Lions can eat up to 40 pounds of meat after hunting and then they will go to sleep for at least 20 hours.
  • Lioness and lioness will rub their faces together when they meet. They also exchange smells during this time.
  • Their manes can easily identify the species of an animal. Lions with darker and larger manes tend to be more powerful than others, so other lions will often avoid them.
  • Liger is a new kind of animal that results when lion and tiger are merged. It is a striped-like tiger with pale fur.
  • Each 2 years, Lioness gives birth 1-3 cubs. The cubs will see the cub at birth, and then it will disappear.
  • The long tail of lions will aid them in balancing when they chase their prey. It can also be used to signal different commands to other members the pride.
  • Retractable claws allow lions to hide their claws and prevent them from hurting each other during play.
  • Although lion cubs don’t roar until they are 2 years old, once they start to vocalize, it is possible to hear their roar up to 5 miles away.
  • Porcupine is the worst enemy of lions, as sharp quills can get stuck in the jaws of the lion for the rest of their lives.
  • A new pride kills all cubs not of its own lion. Studies suggest that 35% of cubs will die young.
  • The pride’s oldest males will kick the young lion out when he reaches maturity. These nomads are young lions who wander on their own and eventually become strong enough to fight for the pride.
  • Lions live for 15 years in the wild, but can live up to 25-30 years in captivity. Due to a decline in their population over the past few decades, lions have been listed as an endangered species.
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The largest cat in the world, the tigers can be found in many climates in Asia and Russia. They love tropical rainforests, savannas, and Siberian forests. Five subspecies of the tiger have been identified, but all are in danger. Today, there are 7400 tigers left in the wild. Their numbers are declining due to poaching and habitat loss.

Tiger Swimming

The distinctive stripes of tigers can help identify them. There are more than 100 stripes that can be used to identify the species. Similar to fingerprints in humans. These stipes provide camouflage for the species.

There are 5 species of tigers. The Siberian Tiger is the largest of all subspecies. It can reach up to 11 feet in height and weighs up to 660lbs. Tigers’ tails are used to communicate with each other and provide balance while running, just like lions.

Tigers are usually solitary and only come together during mating season. Rarely, tigers may form groups called the “streak of tigers”.

White tigers are one rare animal on Earth with white fur and stripes, as well as blue eyes.

The liquid that was made up of urine and a gland’s intensive smell was used by tigers to mark their territory. The territory will be known by the other tigers.

Tigers are territorial creatures that seek out a piece of wild land for their own use. It will vary depending on which species you are, but generally it is between 10-30 miles. In some cases it can go up to 120 miles.


Although tigers hunt large mammals like wild boars or deer, they can also be seen attacking a crocodile, a python or bear.

The ambush predator Tigers means they can catch prey by surprise.

This species is well-known for its large paws and retractable claws. These can be used to kill prey or fight other tigers. Pug mark is also known as a tiger paw print.

The tigress is a female species of tigers. At three and a quarter years old, the tigress can become a mother for her first time. Although tigresses give birth to 2-4 cubs, she will be very protective as half of the cubs may be killed by predators or died from starvation.

  • Tigers can swim up to 4 miles with prey in the mouth.
  • The sight of tigers is also excellent, with 6x better night vision than humans. During mating season, the roaring of tigers is a common sound. You can hear it for a mile.
  • At 2 years old, tigers leave their mother and begin a life of solitude.
  • Tigers can run at 35-40 miles an hour and are considered one of the fastest animal species. Tigers are also good jumpers, and can leap up to 10 metres.
  • Tigers live for around 10-15 years in the wild, and 20 to 20 in captivity.