Animal Control Officer Certification Programs

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Written By LuisWert

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Animal Control Officer Certification Programs

Animal control officers play an essential role in protecting both animals and people. They undergo extensive training to manage both wild and domesticated species alike. There are numerous certifications that can enhance the skillsets of these professionals, such as animal cruelty investigators or humane trainers.

Animal Control Training Services

Animal Control Training Services (ACTS) offers a range of programs to train those responsible for animal care. ACTS trainers come directly to the trainees’ location, so there’s no need to arrange transportation. The three- to four-day courses cost between $375 and $550 per student; plus, host organizations receive two complimentary registrations per 10 registered participants.

East Coast Animal Control Academy

Run by Carroll Community College in Maryland, the East Coast Animal Control Academy offers a course of instruction for officers who handle animals. This program has been accredited by both The Humane Society of the United States and Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commission.

Candidates for this course must work at an animal sanctuary, humane society or police agency and possess a job offer from either of these organizations. It consists of approximately an hour of instruction per week over 11 days with a cost of less than $1500; graduates receive both a Continuing Education certificate as well as credit hours.

Florida Animal Control Association

The Florida Animal Control Association (FACA) offers certification courses for animal control personnel at four colleges. ACO courses last five days and prices vary between $475 and $595 depending on the host institution.

National Animal Control Association

The National Animal Control Association (NACA) offers certification programs through their academy of training. Each level offers five hours (and forty) in instruction, making it suitable for police officers, animal control personnel and those interested in careers related to animal care or control. Accreditation (including the necessary first and second courses) costs $1,050; additional levels of education are also offered across America.

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National Animal Cruelty Investigations School

Established in 1990, this program offers certification to animal cruelty investigators as well as control officers, police officers and other community members. Each component lasts three weeks (40 hours each) and must be completed to become certified as a Humane Investigator. Tuition costs between $600-650 dollars per month with partial scholarships funded by The American Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals at $300 each. Furthermore, highlights from the program have been featured on Discovery Channel.

New Jersey Certified Animal Control Officers Association

The NJACOA provides the basic course for certification through the Career Development Institute, meeting every week for 15 weeks with at least 45 hours of instruction. Some colleges offer this course which allows graduates to earn 3 college credits; a list of participating colleges can be found on NJCACOA website.

Society of Animal Welfare Administrators

The Society of Animal Welfare Administrators (SAWA) offers the Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) certification program for professionals engaged in animal welfare. This program is exclusive to members and fees are listed on the SAWA website. Continuing education credit hours are necessary for graduates to maintain certification within the CAWA program.

Texas Academy of Animal Control Officers

The Texas Academy of Animal Control Officers (TAACO) offers an accredited program for animal cruelty investigators and technicians in animal care. This four-week (130-hour) course confers two state-issued certifications as well as 14 certificates of achievement in specific aspects related to animal care at a price tag below $5,000. TAACO also offers the Basic Animal Care Tech (BACT) certification – an introduction course which covers shelter management along with key aspects of animal care over five days (4.5-day/36-hour program). A range of continuing education courses is also offered by TAACO.

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